
Our Commitment to a Quality System

We firmly believe that the quality of our finished product is the key to our success. In order to achieve this goal we must continuously improve the plant procedures to ensure we manufacture a wholesome and consistent product that meets or exceeds our customer’s expectations.

To achieve this goal we will continue to expand the scope of our comprehensive Quality System that improves product quality. We will educate, train and retrain our employees making sure they understand, proper operating procedures, why they are important, what their responsibilities are. We will require management to validate that these procedures are being followed as outlined in the VernDale Quality Manual. 

Our goal is to establish a program that will result in VernDale Products, Inc. attaining an AIB Certification rating of Superior.

We will continue to concentrate on the following areas:

  • Develop Comprehensive Quality Assurance Manual
  • Expand VernDale Employee Training Manual
  • Expand Food Defense Education and Documentation
  • Improvement to our Master Sanitation Schedule
  • Adopting necessary Documentation, Communication, Personnel Education to Improved Operating Practices, job performance requirements, and personal accountability
  • Review and improve cleaning practices and Pests Control Program Improved plant efficiencies

By creating a superior food manufacturing environment here at VernDale and, continuing to focus on improving our Quality System, we look forward to identifying opportunities for improvements in productivity, product quality and potential profitability for all concern.